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Build a Bridge Bridge Photos
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Photos of constructed bridges with the following spans:
·1'·7'·8'·11'·12'·14'·15'·16'·17'·18'·22'·23'·24'·25'·27'·27'·27'·28'·30'·32'·36'·38'·40'·50' ·
  ·0,3·2,1·2,4·3,3·3,8·4,2·4,5·4,8·5,1·5,4·6,6·6,9·7,3·7,5·8,1·8,1·8,1·8,4·9·9,6·10,8·11,4·12·15 ·m

27' / 8,1m
using 2x4s
A 27' Bridge
Just thought you might like to see the finished product
Danny C. GA

A 27' Bridge
Hey Frank,
Awesome bridge design.
I used your design and built a 27-1/2" 2x4 bridge to my island in my pond. I got tired of taking a Jon boat to weedeat my island. I built the first arch over the water. That was a mistake. The second arch was built on land and floated to the footing, then raised up. Also, I can see the fish much better feeding them from the bridge.

A 27' Bridge

A 27' Bridge

A 27' Bridge Starting to put on the railings.

A 27' Bridge
Kilroy was here

The design and construction techniques presented on this page are protected from patents by prior art & copyright and I reserve all rights regarding this design. Feel free to utilize this information for personal use but applications involving the exchange of money, require my approval. If you'd like to build bridges for profit, I'd be happy to help you. :-)  Frank Petersohn

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