Hello Frank,
I was trying to come up with a bridge concept for our community
when I saw your web site. I made a quick model as a proof of concept
and to help raise funds to construct.
NOTE: you will see one variation I incorporated to the design. One picture shows some additional joists that zig-zag through the arches. In the end I don't think they would have been needed, but I liked the idea at the time.
I'm the guy on the far right in picture #18, the one with the head-band. Other pictures show some of the volunteers. The day I erected the arches I had a pretty good crowd. I fabricated the arches in my back yard using a make shift jig you'll see is some pictures. We carried them about 100 yards to the creek. I took a few days off and worked on it alone after the arches were up. Others gave me a hand here and there as their time allowed.
Well Frank, we finished it up today and I think we did OK and owe it all to your web site and plans.
Thank you again,
Jim M
Brighton Green Community Center - Bon Air, Virginia